Pulp Asylum is currently open to fiction submissions. It is not currently a market for artwork , poetry, or non-fiction. Please note the following fiction guidelines:
Previously unpublished work only. No reprints. For our purposes, any story appearing in print or in any public space online, including your personal website, has already been published.
Original short fiction up to a maximum of 3000 words (firm).
Nothing created using AI.
No multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions are fine, just inform us as soon as possible if a story is accepted elsewhere.
Payment is flat rate, $15 (US) upon acceptance. I pay via PayPal only. I am buying first rights, first electronic rights, and exclusive use of the story for six months from the publication date.
Submit your work in standard MS format via email as a .doc or .pdf attachment to [email protected]. Your subject line should be ASYLUM STORIES [your name, your story title]. Treat the body of your email as your cover letter: keep it informal and brief, just a bit about yourself, your publishing history, and the URL of your author site if you have one.
Response time: 30 days. Please feel free to query after that if you have not had a response.
I publish a variety of traditional pulp genres: horror, mystery, crime, science fiction, fantasy, adventure, western, and just plain weird stories are all welcome. I am not interested in experimental fiction. Regardless of genre, I am looking for straight-ahead, fully-formed stories with an inventive plot, lively action, and memorable endings. I don't mind violence or gore, and there are no taboos, but any of the strong stuff should be meaningful in the context of plot. Overall, you'll have a much better chance of getting under my skin than you will of grossing me out. If you really want to know what grills my burger, here you go: strongly-drawn, believable, dynamic characters.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Billy Ramone